Brady Inners
Director, Sports Event Development
SportsPITTSBURGH is a fully staffed division of VisitPITTSBURGH that offers experience and expertise in sports development, marketing and event planning.
The SportsPITTSBURGH team is the first point of contact for sports event planners considering Pittsburgh as a host destination for their prized events. Backed by the support of our sports and hospitality communities, the team hosts and supports a diverse mix of regional, national and international sports events that drive economic activity within Allegheny County.
The team works to maximize the value and impact that sports events bring to the city and its residents; specifically, through visitor spending, generating media exposure and connecting local residents and businesses with key sports events. It also serves as a connector between event planners and relevant community stakeholders to promote community engagement with events.
Along with communicating directly with event planners, SportsPITTSBURGH promotes the message of Pittsburgh as an iconic and legendary sports city to national and international audiences, encouraging travelers to make Pittsburgh a “bucket-list” destination.
Learn how the SportsPITTSBURGH team brings events to life in Pittsburgh!
The SportsPITTSBURGH team is here to make your sporting event a success.
Sports Event Planner
Sports Event Attendee
Explore what makes Pittsburgh a popular destination for athletes and fans.
Power of Sports Economy
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